Full 360°* and stereoscopic** movies describing ARN trajectories.
*full 360° panorama: click with the mouse in the video or tilt your smartphone/tablet to change the view.
**stereoscopic: if you have a Google Cardboard, click on the mask in the lower right corner for an immersion in virtual reality (including depth).

If the video is a bit blurry or jerky, click on the video and then on the settings wheel in the bottom right to change the quality.
For full screen, click on the video and next on the box at the bottom right.

If you experience difficulties, you can also watch a standard version of these movies.

Trajectory 1 : NE => ERPC => NRPC => RGC

Trajectory 2 : NE => LRPC

Trajectory 3 : LRPC => NRPC => AC

Trajectory 4 : LRPC => NRPC => PRP => {C, R, BC}

Trajectory 5 : NE => ERPC => LRPC => MC (+LRPC => NRPC => AC)

Other trajectories : NE => RPE ; AC => PRP ; NRPC -> HC ; Pointe de NRPC

Click in the picture below and move your mouse to explore the area!
Click on the keyboard arrow to display the next picture